Thursday, May 19, 2016


We visited Antwerp together with otherpartners in Erasmus project for teachers. I will remember 3 main things for me:
1.      City of Antwerp is one of the main gates of the Europe. Centuries age, the looted goods arrived from the colonies. Today, together with the cargo, people are coming from all around the world and they are trying to find better life in old continent, from which they were robbed in those old colonies.  Therefore the city of Antwerp has a cosmopolitan soul and  different people live here together, without of fear of islamisation and barbarisation, which are common provinces.
2.      Kindergarten in the center of old town, between the arab in cina town. There was such a nice athmosfere and felling of home. From the beginning of our visit, from the »bee dance«, we discovered all the colors of children who stay here. We are not used to work with  children from 41 countries at the sam time and it was interesting to observe them. Classrooms are more prepaired for playing than ours, because they are not so connected to eating. Playground was interesting due to some trees, which can be hardly find elsewhere in the city.
3.      Primary school and its headmaster impressed me the most. We get to know the cruel reallity of migrants and their children. They are opening doors to beter life in future. Most of children have parents without schools and they are not interesting for politics, because they are not legal citizens. People like headmaster, who devoted their time to improve the school sistem for them, are like social workers on a mission. They are making school from old buildings and searching for teacher, who would be prepaired to work with migrant's children. They have to deal with all the taboos, hateness and difficulties that comes with work, witch, as I sad, is more a mission. I find out a lot about attitude towards the parents and practical problems in working with social-problematic children.
                                                                                                      Marko Močnik, Slovenia team
Our second meeting was carried out in Belgium. We were in Antwerp, which is a large port city and it is inhabited by people all over the world. They are known for racial and religious diversity. In its educational work they are faced with problems of communication and a variety of different ways of life.
During a visit to the local kindergarten and school, I came to realize how good and patient these people are. In all possible ways they are trying for this families and help them on their way to a better tomorrow.
The kindergarten is organized in a similar way as our project Step by step (like some kinder-corners in Finland kindergarten). Their educational institutions are well equipped with modern technology (smart boards, computers, ...). Children use a lot of different materials and have enough time for free play. They work in small groups or even individually. In their work, they not complicate things and makes it easier, in this way, children have more freedom and ultimately more quality experience.
In their work they use various programs to prevent bullying - and that is new for us. We are aware that we will sooner or later also need it.

The meeting was interesting and educational because each participating country reported on its work. Together, we have reviewed and completed the evaluation questionnaires for children and professional staff, which will be used at the end of the first period.

                                                                                                                   Maja Kresnik, team Slovenia



La nécessité de ce projet est apparu dans la vie quotidienne des écoles en Europe : les médias sont partout. Les enfants et les adultes vivent dans un milieu de culture médiatique.

Un enfant a besoin de compétences pour maîtriser les médias, c'est le rôle des adultes de le guider. Notre but est de guider les parents dans l'utilisation des médias dans les familles : comment profiter des médias, ainsi que contrôler l'utilisation des médias. L'objectif est que les enfants apprennent à utiliser l'équipement des médias numériques de façon responsable. 
Notre travail est de trouver de nouvelles méthodes de travail et de nouvelles façons de profiter de médias dans les écoles : faire des films courts avec les enfants, tourner des nouvelles à l'école, comprendre ce qui constitue un journal, rencontrer un journaliste de la télévision, etc. Par un nouvel équipement technique, nous aurons plus de possibilités pour mener à bien l'éducation aux divers médias. 
Le deuxième volet est de prévenir le harcèlement. L'éducation au respect de l'autre doit se faire dès le plus jeunes âge notamment en apprenant à gérer les conflits .
Il y a six écoles partenaires dans ce projet, qui durera 3 ans. Sentez-vous libre de lire plus dans "informations générales".

Mobilité en Belgique

Pendant les vacances de printemps, Véronique et Charlotte se sont rendues en à Anvers pour faire le bilan de la première année du projet avec tous les autres partenaires européens et pour planifier les activités à venir.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Mobilité en Finlande

Au mois de septembre, Christelle et Charlotte se sont rendues à Hyvinkää en Filande pour travailler sur le projet FairKIT avec tous les partenaires du projet.
En plus des réunions de travail pour élaborer et planifier les différentes activités liées au projet, elle ont visité deux écoles maternelles, une école élémentaire et un collège.
Elles ont aussi assisté à une conférence sur le harcèlement chez les très jeunes enfants, visité le service éducation de la ville et visité l'université d'Helsinki en charge de la formation des professeurs des écoles.

Project meeting in Belgium


Unni, a curious reporter bird from Finland, is flying to Belgium!
(Did you notice his passport? It was made by children) 
Central Station of Antwerpen    

Welcome to the De Bijtjes!



Unni visited a beautiful Town Hall