Tuesday, October 18, 2016

(Maja Kresnik)

The third  meeting of Fair@Kit project (Media education for young children and preventing bullying) was in Bordeaux, France.
At this meeting, we reported on the effects of the project in each participating country by the end of the first year. We set some new goals and activities and we confirmed the old or the new twinned groups of countries.
This year, the focus will be on better ties of friendship and resolving interpersonal conflicts. We will also focus on identifying and talking about bullying.  We will try to resolve bullying in the group and prevent bullying with the media.
During the visit, we visited the kindergarten and primary school. So, we can see their educational system. After the visit, I came to realize, that their system is much more rigid than our, because the teacher does not allow a lot of freedom in their work. The groups have a large number of children, which teaches only one teacher. Another adult could only help in the care of the child. in this way the difference between the two adults who work with these children, is becoming even bigger.

Maja Kresnik

  Bordeaux, France, september 2016
(Marko Močnik)
For the 3rd Erasmus+ meeting was chosen Bordeaux in France. There we met in small school. Franch pre-school sistem is different (maybe only for me) from others because it has schools for children between 3 and 6 years old. (So it considers lectures and lessons, not only playing and learning with playing or other ways of spending time before afternoon.) We were there for three days, we had workshops, lecture and we visited groups in this and nearby elementary school.
First we told each other what we have done in our kindergartens, how we disseminated our project and what are we going to do in the future. Sometimes things are not attractive, but they put you back on track to work and think about the project. You promise you're going to do some things, take ideas from others and find solutions.
Secondly, Mrs. Laura Repo, an expert from Finlnad, was talking about different types of bullying and it's victims. She showed us a film about a group in kindergarten in which one boy has bullied another boy. We had a discussion in which I presented examples from my last year group. Film showed us an interaction that we probably have seen before, but rare have discussed about it. Sometimes bullying just happen, probably even in our own groups, but we don't notice it. Results comes in years following, because bullied children have lower self respect, but those who bullied also suffer social disconnection and are more likely to become active as criminals or violent people. I was talking about a boy, who was violent towards others, especially girls. I invited his father to have a discussion. But father came to argue with me or with a boy, to punish him even more he did it before, so I found out that problem was not in a boy, but in his experiences with his father. I belive, we have to work hard to notice such behavior and try to help them get out of wrong social behavior.

 Finally, I would like to express my toughts about french pre-school sistem. I was really interesed observing the lesson.  Little children silently followed the lecture with a high rate of attention, that nobody wouldn’t be ashamed of. I liked that kind of work, because I am a profesor and I work similar at home. I belive in idea, that childreen should achive some level of readiness to following the school work, otherwise entering into school sistem would be harder for enyone. There are countries that belive you can learn mostly through playing, but do you think I learned how to change a wheel by playing?

I was watching film about Caribean tribes. Children were doing things with parents, they were fishing together, cooking together and parents were teaching children how to do every day works. Can we teach about the traffic without being part of it? Can we teach cooking through games and toys? I belive young people need experiences from real life to get to know what they need, to do what they want to do, because we want to prepare them for real life (maybe even before 30s ;) ).

Of course this was only one part of a classroom and children were playing too. Toys were similar to ours. Playground world was quiet poor and they probably don’t walk a lot, like we in Slovenia.
As I saw, relation between the teacher and teacher assistant is reduced on minimum in France and assistants are more or less just cleaners and food servants. I think that our sistem  of more or less cooperation gives better life model for children as well.

Marko Močnik