Monday, February 20, 2017

In January, our children visited elementary school in order to integration and presentation media literacy among young children.
Our children were excited about visiting school, because next year they are entering the 1st grade.
In cooperation with IT teacher we have planned to connect children different ages and also present our project Fair@Kit to students from primary school.
Students from 9th grade accept us and every student take one child and take a responsibility for him.
First, they took us around the school and we have stopped in 1st grade, where we attended a short part of their program.
Then we went to computer class, where we introduced ourselves to each other. I presented what we do in our Fair@Kit project and why we came to school on computer lesson.
Children in pairs (student and toddler) sat to each available computer. Older children guided younger ones with the operations on the computer and learn them how to use mouse.
Children were dealing with a range of mathematical functions and learning meaningful use of computer.
Children really enjoyed at working on computer, so we extended the period of activity. At the end, we have invited them to visit the nursery. We also presented the activities undertaken as part of media education (playing variety of non-violence scenes with puppets, e-mailing with friends from another unit, rules of good behavior…)
It was interesting to observe how students seriously and responsible took care for our little ones, how they sipped knowledge through media to acquire new skills and knowledge.
The children were excited about visit school and their impressions were lasting for a few days.

                                                                                                                      Kaja Tomšič

Fair@Kit Slovenia


1 comment:

  1. WOW!!! What a fantastic way to cooperate with students!! Well done!
